We recently have registered with Amazon’s AmazonSmile program to allow members of the general public to donate towards our organization at no extra cost to you by simply shopping as they would on Amazon. Amazon will automatically donate 0.5% of the price of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to us if you decide to support us through AmazonSmile.

What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support your favorite charitable organization, in this case the Veterans of All Wars, every time you shop, at literally no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as you would normally while shopping on Amazon.com, but now with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to us, the Veterans of All Wars at no additional cost to you.

If you wish to learn more about AmazonSmile program and have any additional questions answered, you can check out the official about page. If you instead want to learn more about the AmazonSmile Foundation, the entity who donates to us, you can check out their program details.

How do I support you through AmazonSmile?
As mentioned, you would simply follow through with supporting us by going to the smile.amazon.com link instead of normally amazon.com. Once you reach the smile website, you will be presented with a pop-up explaining a generalized version of what AmazonSmile is and what charity you would like to support. If you would like to read through a more in-depth explanation, you can check out AmazonSmile’s official about page.

Regardless of the method you use, Amazon account or not, to set up your AmazonSmile support for us, you will always need to use and shop through smile.amazon.com instead of the regular amazon.com domain to have a percentage of your order to be donated to us. Purchases made within the Amazon app on your mobile device will also not count as AmazonSmile purchases.

If you are not using our smile charity link (here), you can search for us instead like in the example below:

Once you have typed “Veterans of All Wars”, simply click the Search button and we should be listed under the first result…

Upon clicking Select, you’ll be asked if you are sure you want to support the Veterans of All Wars Riders Corporation and that you must also always use the smile.amazon.com url to support us. Once you have checked the box, you should be able to click the Start Shopping button to begin shopping on Amazon but also while supporting the organization.

Upon reaching Amazon’s storefront, you will also notice that below the search bar is a small statement of Supporting: Veterans of All Wars Riders Corporation. If you choose to hover over that statement, you will pull up a pop-up window that includes a statement of what our organization is about, what its related to, and how many AmazonSmile donations that you have contributed to our organization since you started supporting us on AmazonSmile.

If you want to go further and check our your total impact, select the Your AmazonSmile Impact link under the All Charities Have Received amount and you’ll be taken to your AmazonSmile Impact page.

From this page, you can view how many donations have been made to us from your purchases as well as a total overall amount of donations that we have received from our supporters since the start of our AmazonSmile program.

If you followed through with this process and you were logged in to your Amazon account, whenever you navigate to smile.amazon.com, you will automatically have our organization selected to support.

Again, if you want to support The Veterans of All Wars Riders Corporation through AmazonSmile, you must always use smile.amazon.com for your purchases otherwise the purchases will go through without us receiving a percentage as a donation. If you use the Amazon mobile app for purchases on your mobile device, that will not work with AmazonSmile.